Life on the West Side
Life on the West Side
Why Christianity Has A Resurrection
Christians believe in resurrection. The cross is certainly part of the great news from heaven to all of creation; but what makes it good news is that death is not the end of the story. The resurrection forms the center of the gospel of God. Christ came that we might have life, because he himself is the resurrection and the life. Christians proclaim that the Spirit is the giver of Life. And nothing declares that God is Father Almighty quite like saying that God raises the dead–first Jesus, then we ourselves–that death may be swallowed up in victory.
The sermon today is titled "Why Christianity Has A Resurrection." It is the second installment in our "Matters of First Importance" Series. The Scripture reading is from 1 Corinthians 15:12-19. Originally preached at the West Side Church of Christ (Searcy, AR) on October 16, 2022. All lessons fit under one of 5 broad categories: Begin, Discover, Grow, Learn, and Serve. This sermon is filed under Learn: Christian Doctrine.
Click here if you would like to watch the sermon or read a transcript.
Footnotes (Sources and References Used In Today's Podcast):
- Craig vs. Muddiman discussion (Oxford University, 2004).
- N. T. Wright, "Only Love Believes," ABC Religion & Ethics (April 17, 2014).
- N. T. Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God (Fortress Press, 2003).
- William Lane Craig, The Historical Argument for the Resurrection of Jesus During the Deist Controversy (Edwin Mellon Press, 1985).
- Richard B. Hays, "This is the Day the Lord Has Made," ABC Religion & Ethics (April 3, 2021).
- C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory.
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