Life on the West Side

The Depth of the Gospel: Retelling HIStory

Nathan Guy Season 2 Episode 49

Simple? Yes. Simplistic? Not on your life. The gospel is not just a list of beliefs about something that happened 2,000 years ago. It’s the controlling narrative that makes sense of everything that’s ever happened, and everything that will happen. It is the constant flowing river underneath every commandment, every prophetic message, every story of conflict between good and evil, and every hope expressed to God by a people crying out for deliverance.

The sermon today is titled "The Depth of the Gospel: Retelling HIStory." It is the second installment in our "What Is The Gospel" Series. The Scripture reading is from Romans 1:1-6 and Galatians 3:8. Originally preached at the West Side Church of Christ (Searcy, AR) on January 8, 2023. All lessons fit under one of 5 broad categories: Begin, Discover, Grow, Learn, and Serve. This sermon is filed under Begin: A Gracious Gospel.

Click here if you would like to watch the sermon or read a transcript.

Footnotes (Sources and References Used In Today's Podcast):

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