Life on the West Side

The Apostles' Teaching: Dedicated To The Gospel

Nathan Guy Season 2 Episode 71

I hear our Lord gently saying to us as we read Acts 2:42 (“and they were devoted to the Apostles’ teaching”) “go and learn what this means.” These young Christians were barely dry. Not one of them had a New Testament handed to them as they came up out of the water, because it had not been written yet. Paul had not written his majestic letter to the Romans, or to the Corinthians, or to any of the churches for that matter. He wasn’t even a Christian yet! With no New Testament, this early band of believers “devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching.” What exactly did they devote themselves to

The sermon today is titled "The Apostles' Teaching." It is the third installment in our "Community" Series. The Scripture reading is from Acts 2:42 (ESV). Originally preached at the West Side Church of Christ (Searcy, AR) on May 7, 2023. All lessons fit under one of 5 broad categories: Begin, Discover, Grow, Learn, and Serve. This sermon is filed under DISCOVER: A New Community.

Click here if you would like to watch the sermon or read a transcript.

Footnotes (Sources and References Used In Today's Podcast):

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