Life on the West Side
Life on the West Side
Breaking Bread: Experiencing The Body of Christ
We are one body. We show that we are one body when we gather to take the body AS one body. But unlike every civic club brunch or luncheon, we gather as the body of Christ. And we participate in the Lord’s Supper. Can’t you tell? Just look at how we love one another.
The sermon today is titled "Breaking Bread." It is the fifth installment in our "Community" Series. The Scripture reading is from Acts 2:42 (ESV). Originally preached at the West Side Church of Christ (Searcy, AR) on May 21, 2023. All lessons fit under one of 5 broad categories: Begin, Discover, Grow, Learn, and Serve. This sermon is filed under DISCOVER: A New Community.
Click here if you would like to watch the sermon or read a transcript.
Footnotes (Sources and References Used In Today's Podcast):
- I am indebted to David E. Garland, 1 Corinthians, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (Baker Academic, 2003).
- "Advertise our selfishness?": Beverly Gaventa, "You Proclaim the Lord's Death: 1 Corinthians 11:26 and Paul's Understanding of Worship," Review & Expositor 80/3: 385. For the entire opening paragraph (including citing Gaventa), see Garland, 1 Corinthians.
- "Ordinary food sustains": Tish Warren, Liturgy of the Ordinary (IVP, 2016).
- "Broom & a spoon" illustration: Sam Wells, "Heaven and Hell" sermon at Duke Divinity Chapel (Jan 19, 2011).
- Greco-Roman meals background. Jerome Murphy-O'Connor, St. Paul's Corinth: Texts and Archaeology (Michael Glazier, 1983). Cited in Garland, 1 Corinthians.
- "When I'm Dining With You": Martial, Epigrams 3.60. Quoted in Garland, 1 Corinthians.
- "See how they love one another!": Tertullian, Apology 39.
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